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Why Should My Pet's Teeth Be Professionally Cleaned?

Why Should My Pet's Teeth Be Professionally Cleaned?

Just like humans, dogs and cats can develop dental health issues due to inadequate oral hygiene. By having your pet's teeth professionally cleaned, you allow your Redding, veterinarian, to thoroughly clean your pet's mouth and diagnose and treat oral health conditions or diseases. 

Does My Pet Need A Professional Teeth Cleaning?

The short answer is: yes! Tartar and plaque (formed from bacteria and particles of food) can cause bacteria to invade your pet's gums, causing inflammation (gingivitis). As the disease progresses, it goes deeper and surrounds the teeth, causing periodontal disease and leading to tooth loss. The most effective way to prevent dental disease from developing in your cat or dog is by at-home oral care and regular veterinary teeth cleanings

Good Oral Health For Health And Longevity

The bacteria from periodontal (dental) disease can enter the bloodstream and affect important internal organs like the heart, liver, and kidney. Your pet's overall wellness and life expectancy can be negatively impacted by untreated dental disease, and advanced dental disease can be more difficult and costly to treat than taking your pet to have their teeth cleaned regularly.

Prevent Bad Breath

If the periodontal disease worsens, it usually causes your pet to develop halitosis (bad breath). If the dental condition is severe, it might even be possible to smell your dog or cat yawn from across the room. Your pet is probably no great fan either, so have their teeth cleaned sooner rather than later.

Prevent & Treat Your Pet's Oral Pain 

The inflamed gums and loose teeth that advanced periodontal disease can cause are extremely painful to cats and dogs. Because it can be difficult to tell if animals are in ongoing pain, because the disease usually progresses slowly, allowing the animal to get used to the pain, carrying on and acting normal until the condition is too severe to ignore. Your pet could be suffering from serious conditions like abscesses or oral infections without showing outward signs. 

If your pet is suddenly 'head shy', pulling or moving away to avoid having their mouth or face touched, or develops a preference for soft food over kibble, they may be experiencing severe oral pain. After their veterinarian removes the problematic teeth and/or diseased tissue, pets can once again be suddenly playful and affectionate again. This is a clear sign that the pain caused by your pet's teeth was affecting their quality of life.

Prevent Tooth Loss

The tissues anchoring the teeth and bone are slowly destroyed by bacteria, causing abscesses (pockets of pus) at the roots of the teeth. The affected teeth will loosen and could fall out, which could require your pet to have multiple tooth extractions when their teeth are professionally cleaned. By having your pet's teeth regularly cleaned throughout their life, you can help them avoid the pain and difficulty eating or communicating associated with tooth loss.

In Conclusion...

To maintain our oral health, we should brush twice daily and have our teeth professionally cleaned regularly. Your pet also needs regular teeth brushing (or dental treats, toys, and water additives if your cat or dog won't allow you to brush their teeth) and routine veterinary dental cleanings. Generally, we recommend having your pet seen for a dental cleaning at least once a year, although your pet's breed, age, and underlying health will determine how often they will need dental care.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is it time for your cat or dog to have their teeth cleaned? Contact Dana Park Veterinary Hospital to help improve and maintain your pet's oral and overall health!

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